Saturday, December 30, 2017

Excited. Resolved. Inspired.

As the year closes, can't help but reflect on the kind of life I had this year. Reviewing all the memories I had with the Lord just made me feel excited, resolved, and inspired. Thus, the obvious and the ever-resounding theme here. This included my intent to really take my blogging more seriously and of course, pray about it and ask the Lord to prepare my heart for it the coming year. As I was reading it, I thought to myself, ‘Why not include this on my blog as a re-lauch post?’ And so it landed here, too. Copy&paste, without edits on content. Read on! :)

EXCITED for what I am yet to experience together with my Lord next year!
2017 has been such a beautiful year for me, with everything that has transpired within it.
I just love how the year’s journey with Christ strengthened & deepened the roots of my faith. I knew Him more and also cannot resist to grow in love because of His heart, perfection & excellencies. On the other hand, I knew myself more, too, in the light of Scripture. I am excited not of what I am discovering about myself but on how wise the Lord treats me. If I could just tell you all the details now. To be fair, I can summarize it in a word: undeserved. He knows me too well, to that I blush and yet thrilled that He still loves me so! ONLY in Christ.

RESOLVED to turn my back from some things I discovered about myself, and to strive to walk in the ways of the Lord in those areas of weakness and immaturity that He has brought to my attention. I have a loooong way to go in many areas. But as the Lord had covenanted Himself to conforming me to His image(Rom.8:28-29), have I any doubts or misgivings about committing and perhaps even re-committing myself to Him?

INSPIRED to do certain things differently. I have seen love in action from my other sisters in the faith and they have just sparked a fresh desire to significantly grow in love. Steps to grow already started right at the moment their actions have pierced my heart for my lack of love (which I honestly&shamefully thought I was doing pretty good at), thereafter reminded me of what Christian love should be in service — it must reflect Christ’s love. Christ’s love which is openly expressed, tender, kind; does not rejoice in evil, rejoices with truth; is seen & felt; produces joy & satisfies(1Cor.13:4-8; Eph.5). I could go on and on as I have experienced and as God Himself had said in His Word.

I need Him in all these because I know that my heart is prone to wander. It really is. As I yield, I am trusting the Lord to accomplish what He started(Phil.1:6) & to do what only He can do best — transform lives.