Wednesday, March 27, 2019

"I Will Wait On You"

There is some hope I set on air,
Some hope I set on sand..
One can't be held,
One drifts ashore,
No ground secure,
My hope can't stand..

I looked away in my dismay,
and closed my eyes to pray..
The words of Christ,
I call to mind,
Brought peace and made me say,
"I will wait on You."

When cares arose and sorrows grow,
My eyes were quick to move,
To search for ease,
And find release,
My mind would wander,
with questions-no-answer..

I looked above and there He is,
Perfectly wise! How could I miss?
Crowned with glory, Majesty!
Jesus rules over me,
I then bow to say,
"I will wait on You."

A change of season as He appoints,
for my whole life, and for creation,
Plans established,
Purposes fulfilled,
Have I reasons to doubt
my only God and Savior?

I looked back to see what He has done,
His mercies failed not even once!
My heart may long,
and fill He will,
Yet until then, my God,
"I will wait on You."
instagram: @angelesjill